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BA Product Design

Lottie Burton

I have a human-centred approach to design. My passion for competing in and designing for sport led me to a placement in the industry and had a strong influence on the final year projects I selected. I hope to pursue a career in UX design in the sports and fitness industry.

Vital Hydration

273513-258542 - N0928759 - Zahra Achda- 28 April, 2024 1007 PM - Achda_Zahra_Trailshare_Co

With 89% of people not drinking enough water in everyday life and evidence that good hydration improves athletic performance, Vital Hydration assists amateur athletes by educating them about how much to drink before, during and after a race and supporting their hydration through an app and companion product. The project was inspired by personal experience training for a half marathon and difficulty finding relevant information.

The app allows users to record daily statistics of water intake, displaying and tracking information visually. Informative articles and insights are included along with opportunities to connect and chat with friends. The community section allows users to see people signed up for races in their area. Additionally, the map shows locations of water fountains helping plan running routes to elevate training with the right hydration. Users earn badges and rewards for engagement in the app.

Since at many races only refills of water are provided along the route, the companion Vital bottle stores electrolyte tablets for enhanced performance within the lid. This means users can avoid carrying tablets in bags and belts when running. With a simple twist of the bottle's lid, electrolyte tablets drop into the water one-by-one whenever needed throughout a race.


Illuminate is my commercial project for the Scout Store. I created a bowl and lighting product to enhance the feeling of community in a fun and engaging way, while eating on a camping trip with family / Scout group / friends. The bowl incorporates a removable light which creates a glow on the user?s face, and illuminates faces around the camp-fire. The ergonomic light can also be used separately to explore. The exterior is customisable with different colours to be attractive to children and easy to differentiate from others and can be personalised by engraving the Scout?s fleur-de-lis logo, name or trip. Bowls are stackable, compact and easy to transport and the light can be separately clipped to equipment with a carabiner. Safety features include a stable handle for the bowl and a silicone base to prevent heat transfer. It is durable and easy to clean for the outdoor lifestyle.

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